the king of Mars perfects his commentary skills I'm a gold plated man monkey full of dollar bills if you're happier, dial 1 now don't be fooled by gravity, and don't be like the sun something went wrong, I hate this song and if I could change one thing about the weather well then I would tell the world and I'd become famous and then I wouldn't need to care about the weather never ever anymore 'cause I would be relaxing in Hawaii but that is not my fate, I'm trapped inside a cage it isn't even locked, but I'm an idiot (it's an illusion) Caesar was a criminal, but his mother was a saint some say that it's subliminal, but I say that it ain't science was a masquerade, meant to sell you lemonade and it worked, they're laughing in their graves once again I'm falling down a mountain like a metaphor (god damn leprechauns, god damn leprachauns) shoot me from a cannon to the moon without a helmet on my head or even oxygen to breath in the offhand chance that there's no air air is like a something something, air is like an I don't know and air is just like fog but it's not gray, and it makes me want to breathe in toxic little fumes and then I breathe out sugar frosted blood all I ever did to make you laugh was breath out sugar frosted blood (what do I do now? tell me lest I do nothing... guardian devil) I'd like to make a toast to all the little garden gnomes who bravely sacrificed their lives for me I'd like to make a toast but no one seems to have a cup I wonder where my cup has gone. I think that it was taken by the king of Mars perfects his commentary skills I'm a gold plated man monkey full of dollar bills you've been standing there, blocking my view don't be scared by me or me, and don't be like the sun (because the sun doesn't really exist, it's an illusion that's why you shouldn't be like the sun, because if you are, you don't exist and I don't associate with people who don't exist) Bu döküman'da yayınlanmıştır.