<i>[It took the people, at least here in Sweden, about two years to turn w hat used to be luxury into a way of life. Suddenly nothing will be the same agai n and no one can ever picture himself without one. Well baby, pick up the phone. ]</i>
Addicts of communication
Addicts of communication
Addicts of communication,
I need to communicate with you
090-45776 -- Useless
Hey baby pick up the phone I know that you're home - Useless
You know I don't like talking to your answering-machine - Useless
Well can I send you an e-mail, let you know how I feel - Useless
We're the useless generation
In this world of information
We're the - useless - generation,
Baby pick up the phone
Addicts of communication
Addicts of communication
Addicts of communication
I need to communicate, hello!
Well nothing, I'm just watching T.V. - Useless
Looking for something so shallow that it's worth to see - Useless
They're making belgian waffels in the U.S.A. - Useless
A buddy from the internet told me that the other day - Useless