Yaaahoooooooooooooooo Ooo yeah <Chorus> I've been waiting (Oh yeah) Spend my time chasing For your love (Uh huh) And it's going down tonight (It's going down tonight) I've been waiting Spend my time chasing (Yes I did) For your love And it's going down tonight (It's going down tonight) <Verse 1> What did you think you would do? What did you think you'd say? After I told you how I was feeling Never thought I'd see this day I always kept dreaming Never let failure hurt my heart I knew that you would soon see better All I could do is hope and say Is there a chance or possibility, That I could get close to you? I want to get romantic with you Do all the things that lovers do Finally all the things that I've done To get the chance to be with you It was sure 'nuff worth the wait Tonight I'll be wrapped up in your arms <Chorus> <Verse 2> I always kept wishing I always kept praying Good things come to those who wait That's what momma always said Baby that phrase stuck in my head There's nothing I won't do To please you Given the chance, I'll do you right Even inside I have to know Is there a chance or a possibility, That I could get close to you? I want to get romantic with you Do all the things that lovers do Finally all the things that I've done To get the chance to be with you I guess it was sure 'nuff worth the wait Tonight I'll be wrapped up in your arms <Chorus> X 2 Oooh Oh yeah Ooooh yeah Hey Baby Oooooooooooooo Oooh yeah Ride or Die Walk on by Oh yeah Hey Hey Heeeey <Chorus> X 2 Bu döküman AkorMerkezi.com'da yayınlanmıştır. http://www.akormerkezi.com