The solution to peace isn't clear Baris cozumu acik degil The terrorist threat is a modern fear Terorist tehditi modern korku There are no jobs for the young Genc icin is yok They turn to crime and turn to drugs Suca ve uyusturucuya donuyorlar Battle ships crowd the sea Savas gemileri denizi dolduruyor 16 year olds in the army 16 yasindakiler orduda Our jails are filled to the max Hapislerimiz sonuna kadar dolu Discrimination against the blacks Siyahlara karsi ayrimcilik Russians and Americans war machine Ruslar ve Amerikalilar savas makineleri Will destroy mankind's dream Insanligin hayalini yok eder They shoot their missiles in the air Havaya fuzelerini atarlar They do not care they do not care Umurlarinda degil Guerrilla armies rule the street Gerilla ordulari sokaklarda No more christmas or trick or treat Noel veya cadilar bayrami yok Is this what the future will bring Gelecek bunu mu getirecek I pray for peace more than anything Her seyden cok baris icin dua ediyorum The solution to peace isn't clear Baris cozumu acik degil The terrorist threat is a modern fear Terorist tehditi modern korku There are no jobs for the young Genc icin is yok They turn to crime and turn to drugs Suca ve uyusturucuya donuyorlar Battle ships crowd the sea Savas gemileri denizi dolduruyor 16 year olds in the army 16 yasindakiler orduda Our jails are filled to the max Hapislerimiz sonuna kadar dolu Discrimination against the blacks Siyahlara karsi ayrimcilik Bu döküman'da yayınlanmıştır.